Paul Doe

Paul Doe

Love DC and how simple it is to use w/ my forms already in the system. Bryan B is super helpful and got me trained. Thanks B!@

Paul Doe

Miguel Doe

Miguel Doe

Wow what a difference from using my old system of Frazer to using DealerCenter. Being able to manage everything via cloud system instead of being tied to a work computer is amazing. Bryan my rep answered all my questions. Now I can focus on selling cars rather than admin work!

Miguel Doe

Michael Doe

Michael Doe

I love dealer center it help me a lot with my dealer and customers dealer center support excellent services. thanks Bryan B helped me get setup w/ the mobile app and showed me all the features.

Michael Doe

Arnold Doe

Arnold Doe

I've been using DC to run my website and online marketing. It has been extremely helpful and saves me a lot of time. The mobile app is great!

Arnold Doe

Selena Doe

Selena Doe

Great support as usual! I love using the VIn scan and driver license scanning features. My previous DMS Frazer didn't offer that. Bryan B was helpful

Selena Doe

Joseph Doe

Joseph Doe

We needed a new software for our dealership, something that is all in one. We are looking forward to using Max Digital because we were previously using Shockwave. It is not integrated. i love the training videos as well!

Joseph Doe